September 2018 Author of the Month: ELIZABETH CROWENS
Last year’s Bouchercon continues to provide me with great new authors to read and share with you. This month please say hello to Elizabeth Crowens, author of SILENT MERIDIAN as well as books one and two in her Alice Langley Hollywood suspense series.
Jan Irvin: Why do you write mystery/thrillers?
Elizabeth Crowens: Stranger than fiction, but my personal life has been a mystery/thriller. Writing black humor is the only way to face tragedy. I’ve written Dear Mr. Hitchcock and its sequel Dear Bernie, I’m Glad You’re Dead, books one and two in the Alice Langley Hollywood suspense series. Currently, I’m seeking a new agent and hope to have some good news soon. The book I had in print, Silent Meridian, has some mystery elements, but it’s technically more of an alternate history/fictional memoir. You can still find it on Amazon, but I’ll be switching publishers and re-releasing it along with its sequel, A Pocketful of Lodestones, in the summer of 2019.
J.I: What is the most challenging aspect of your writing life?
E.C: Making money at it. I didn’t think I’d have to fire my agent recently. I can no longer do what I have 12 years of college education on. So, I’m really motivated to make it as a career writer.
J. I.: What piece of writing advice has had the most influence on you?
E.C.: Write what you love, not what you think others want.
Just for fun:
J. I.: Name a favorite food you use to reward yourself.
E.C.: Häagen-Dazs!!!!
J. I.: If you could be any fictional character, who would you be? Why?
E.C.: That’s a really hard one. Maybe Dana Scully from the X Files. She’s slightly more grown up and experienced from Clarice Starling from Silence of the Lambs. Smart, confident, respected, tough when she needs to be and level-headed but willing to keep an open mind when working with Fox Mulder.
For more information about her writing, contact Elizabeth at http://www.elizabethcrowens.com